Francisco Chronicle" Newspaper
Remodeling -- a pastime for the idle rich
San Francisco
August 2006
Gate "Online News"
Residential Affluenza: How remodeling has become
the obsessive labor
of the ultra-rich
San Francisco
August 2006
“Insites” New York
November 1995
“Nob Hill Gazette,” page 36
San Francisco
May 2000
Victoria Times-Colonist
March 18, 2000
Section F, page 2
Victoria, British Columbia
“Nob Hill Gazette” page 30
San Francisco
February 2000
“Acumen” magazine, page 10, “Home, Home
on the Ginza”
Toronto, Ont., 1-604-962-9184,
December 1994
“Canada Japan Business Journal,” page 6, article
at top half of page, in Japanese.
Vancouver, B.C., 1-604-688-2468
November 1994
“Kerrisdale Good Morning News” newspaper,
page 2
Vancouver, B.C.
October 18, 1994
“Saturday Review” The Weekend Sun, “The
Happening” page D10
Vancouver, B.C.
August 13, 1994
“The Vancouver Sun” newspaper,
Vancouver, B.C.
July 30, 1994, section G, page 1
June 20, 1992, sections C, page 1, “Look Up”
“The Kitsilano News” newspaper, page 4,
Vancouver, B.C.
August 11, 1993
“The Georgia Straight”
newspaper, page 27, “Arts Notes”
Vancouver, B.C.
August 6-13, 1993
“Profile” magazine,
page 42
Vancouver, B.C.
Spring 1993
Homes & Builder’s
1950s to 1990s In Four Easy Steps
Victoria, B.C.
June 1998
Homes & Builder’s
5 Considerations for Your New Retierment Home
Victoria, B.C.
July 1998
“Victoria Times-Colonist” newspaper, “homes”
Magazine section, page 15
Victoria, B.C.
July 19, 1992
“The Facts” newspaper, page 11
Seattle, WA
July 14, 1992 “Afro-Carib News” newspaper, page 5
Aldergrove, B.C.
February 1995